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Website Review: Tumblr

November 2, 2007
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Today I am going to review a websiet called Tumblr. Tumblr is a somewhat blogging site. You make little weblogs called “tumblelogs”.

Tumblr aims to let you write short blog posts. Make them as short as you can. You can post a picture, quote a quote, or just post a website.

You can import other feeds in from other sites like your Twitter feed, your feed, or your blog feed.

This post is a bit short, but you can take a look at my Tumblr feed to get an idea.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. November 26, 2007 12:44 pm

    I’ve been using tumblr for several months now and really love it. When combined with stumbleupon it makes for a deadly combination when you add a “share on tumble button”(which you will find in your tumblr account section, under “extras”. Now I can share some of my favorite sites and videos easily with other. Unlike stumble upon Tumblr gives you a lot of flexibility posting all types of media. The features on tumblr are not as good as those on, but if the point is to post and write quickly, tumblr makes it easy. I use for my serious blog, but tumblr is my fun blog and the one I post the most to. If the side bar on my present tumblr wouldn’t reset each time, I would be in heaven. This way people could still listen to the music player, without have to reset it when you go to the next page. I could love to see tumblr add a comment section, but then again the purpose of tumblr is true scrap booking which is what tumblr is about. Try it with stumbleupon and you will be hooked for life. I give tumblr two thumbs up, it puts the fun back into blogging. Check out my tumblr blog at

  2. June 4, 2008 5:30 pm

    Tumblr rules. I just made a new Tumblr theme and its available for download @

    Come check it out and feel free to follow my tumble log @

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